Cars 2 Gallery
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Attack mode asked for awareness and weapons skills.
Attack Mode tasked the player to rack up as many defeats of "lemon" cars as possible that appeared in front of the player on the track, within a time limit. Each lemon destroyed resulted in time added to the timer.
This mode was designed to:
- Push on maximizing weapon use.
- Push on environmental awareness.
- Push on skilled driving.
Survival Mode required skilled driving and taught the player the ins and outs of a track.
Survival pitted the player against a diminishing shield that, when depleted would result in the player being destroyed by a laser beamed down from above. Therefore, the player was asked to follow specific lines along a track to collect batteries to power that shield. This mode was designed to:
- Push on mastery of racing skills such as drifting.
- Push on management of Turbo, and the best time to use it.
- Teach the player about secret routes on any given track.
- Create a sense of tension that makes the player feel pressure.