Disney Infinity 2.0
Platform: PS4, PS3, XBox One, XBox 360, WiiU, PC
Tools: Proprietary (avatar) - Animation previewing tool; Universal - Excel, Visio, Lua
Duration: 11 months
Team Size: Characters - 13; IN 3.0 Team - 250+
Role: Lead Designer - Combat Mechanics
Metacritic/Gamerankings: 73
The inception of Disney Infinity 2.0 presented me the opportunity of Lead Combat Designer, and at the same time, Disney Infinity 2.0 brought the Marvel Universe to the Disney Infinity franchise. In this new role, I set out to extend the value over time of every character by adding Skill Trees to each avatar, and in turn, giving the player the ability to make his/her IGP (figure) his/her own by offering meaningful choices over the 20 levels of progression.
Ultimately, the best thing we did with characters in Infinity 2.0 was find ways to allow their personality and skill sets to shine through. While the player could learn how to execute a Super Move, Block Breaker or Send Attack, just how that move was expressed was determined by the character s/he was playing. This gave a fun variety to each character that felt "poppy" and created the sense that all characters were different, driving discovery.
Imagery and videos:
© 2015 MARVEL
Character design was communicated via avatar and enemy cards that highlighted abilities, which were unlocked vs. core, health and damage progression, stats upgrades, where enemies were located, what they pushed on, etc.