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Disney Infinity 3.0

Platform:  PS4, PS3, XBox One, XBox 360, WiiU, PC, Apple TV

Tools: Proprietary (avatar) - visual scripting tool, content creation and management tool, animation and ticker editing tools;                           Universal - Excel, Visio, Lua

Duration: 11 months

Team Size: Characters - 20 internal / 20 external; IN 3.0 Team - 350+

Role: Lead Designer - Character and Combat Mechanics

Metacritic/Gamerankings: 80

Disney Infinity 3.0 was a major learning experience for me. I directed an internal team and worked with Ninja Theory as they made improvements to the combat system in preparation for Star Wars coming to Disney Infinity. From these improvements my team developed 30+ new avatars utilizing a new combat philosophy and technology. This was an exciting and humbling development cycle working alongside a team with over 15 years’ experience in combat systems, many of whose games I had played and appreciated over the years.

The improvements to the game’s combat are almost immediately noticeable. Attacking is faster and flows much more smoothly—button mashing for the younglings will still get results, but the added depth to the melee allows more skilled players to utilise more powerful and impressive-looking attacks.
The stormtroopers with the anti-lightsabre batons from the film are included in the game and taking them down requires real thought about what you’re doing. For kids that makes this a great introduction to more complex games, as well as being a good way for Disney Infinity to distinguish itself from its rivals.

Ultimately, my team succeeded in vastly improving the readability, kinesthetics, expression and enemy A.I. over Disney Infinity 2.0. Working with new developers including Ninja Theory challenged me as well as my team to evolve our combat philosophy. This has given us a more solid foundation from which to work moving forward.

Disney Infinity 3.0 takes the skill tree concept introduced with 2.0 and expands it to give players choices that are more significant when promoting a character. This is most noticeable in combat which begins to feel like something yanked from a much more focused action title. That’s a boon to the new lightsaber combat in particular. Now enemies can be juggled, and a more robust combo system gives players the ability to switch up how they deal out damage mid attack.

Imagery and Videos:



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