IN 2.0 Gallery
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Disney Infinity 2.0 brought the Marvel Universe to the franchise, and with it significant upgrades.
The inception of Disney Infinity 2.0 presented me the opportunity of Lead Character Gameplay Designer, and at the same time, Disney Infinity 2.0 brought the Marvel Universe to the Disney Infinity franchise. In this new role, I set out to extend the value over time of every character by adding Skill Trees to each avatar, and in turn, giving the player the ability to make his/her IGP (figure) his/her own by offering meaningful choices over the 20 levels of progression.
Each character had its own unique play style, driving discovery for the player.
Differences in character mechanics and stats resulted in combat being able to be approached differently based on which character was played and which upgrades had been purchased.
While melee and ranged combat were improved, Super Moves allowed us to really define a character.
Additionally, I wanted the player to be able to fulfill the fantasy of playing as a Marvel Super Hero (or Villain). This was achieved by growing the combat mechanics for all avatars with the goal of staying accessible for younger players while offering some depth for parents and older players. A new mechanic, The Special Ability, was added to each character - These varied from one-off attacks to state changes.
Skill trees facilitated an expanding move set as well as upgrades within different categories.
Character design was communicated via avatar and enemy cards that highlighted abilities, which were unlocked vs. core, health and damage progression, stats upgrades, where enemies were located, what they pushed on, etc.